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He also had and obsession with hankies.....

...Thanks very much for sending the handkerchiefs quickly because I lost the one which I took with me. A gentleman in our room has since given me 2 nice white handkerchiefs, because he is going to have khaki handkerchiefs. I shall get 3 khaki handkerchiefs sometime, so that will make 7. I shall send 5 home at a time and keep 2...
...We all marched and had our dinner in a big field. We all camped together. We stayed there an hour and a half. Of course all the ladies from the neighbouring villages had to come and have a look at us, as usual. We could hear them saying "Oh, aren't they a fine lot of men". There were about 5,000 of us altogether. Then some more "Don't they look nice. Isn't it nice to see such soldiers. I feel quite nice when I'm near the soldiers". They compliment us well don't they?