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His first letters were full of ambition and enthusiasm.....
...Tell Dad I am going to follow up fitting and turning, study with my books when I get a case, buy a military book of some kind evey week, and become a Major General someday. When I start going, that is after I've been made a Lance-Corporal, I shall rise like the early morning dew...
.....and he began to feel quite spiritual.....
...I do not know what it is but just lately I have felt quite good, that is to say religious. In Fact 3 others, of a Sportsmans' Company, and I felt so good last night, Sunday, that we were converted at a "Salvation Army Headquarters". It Is a bigger thing than being confirmed You have your sins forgiven, and promise God not to swear, steal, lie, deceive, misconduct yourself, and to obey the 10 commandments. I have felt quite spiritual and changed since Sunday, and I do not trouble what anybody says, it is better to live as God desires you to, than to live anyhow. There are some soldiers who have an opinion that this war will be the end of the world, but whether it is or whether it is not, I have made a start for the good. I hope you do not think I am balmy but I have told you this because I knew you would be pleased to hear it...