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Albert has been training hard - route marching and taking a musketry course. His early confidence gets its first knocks....

...We all have troubles and trials, but with a little pluck, and grit, you win through all right. We went a 16 mile route march yesterday with packs, ammunition, bayonets, rifles in fact we had everything. 4 miles of this march was over a boggy plain, up to our knees (without exaggeration) in sand, mud and water. Two horses which sank in the mud up to their heads had to be hauled out with ropes. Before we got back the fellows weren't half carrying on...
...We finished our musketry course this morning. In the 1st two parts I did splendid, but in the 3rd and final part, I did not do so well. The 2 first parts do not really count, so I have truly turned out a 2nd class shot.