N°. Surname Forenames Location Type of Grave Dates
277 Lanchester Charles l. 30c Shaped ledger 1951
278 Lane Riley 34a   1991
279 Lane Iris (Nee Cairns) 17d Headstone 1950 - 1998
280 Lawes Edward 65b Headstone 1908
281 Lawes Sarah 65b Headstone 1918
282 Lawrence Owen 15crw Stone 1921 - 1978
283 Lawrence Robert E. 16crw Stone 1889 - 1966
284 Lawrence Jessie M. 16crw Stone 1897 - 1970
285 Lill Andrew Charles 14d Headstone 1934 - 1998
286 Linder Douglas Arthur 11cre Stone 1923 - 1984
287 Line Evangeline Doris 5a   1910 - 1988
288 Line Douglas Francis 5a   1908 - 1988
289 Line John 8b Kerbs 1937
290 Line Louisa 8b Kerbs 1980
291 Line Fanny H. 14c Headstone & kerbs 1940
292 Line Henry George 14c Headstone & kerbs 1948
293 Line Rose Ann 44c Kerbs 1933
294 Line Bob 44c Kerbs 1933
295 Line Frederick Herbert 62c Headstone 1921
296 Line Emily 62c Headstone 1954
296a Line Louisa 63Ac Large Headstone d. 1915
aged 76
296b Line Henry 63Ac Large Headstone d. 1917
aged 77
296c Line Fredk. Herbert 63Ac Large Headstone d. 1916
aged 25
297 Line Benjamin Ward 18crw Stone 1913 - 1996
298 Line Royston Sidney 24crw Stone 1933 - 1992
299 Line Maureen Constance 24crw Stone 1935 - 1993
300 Line Elenor 7X Footpath 1747
301 Line Ellen 10crw Stone 1972
302 Lloyd Elsie Louise (Nee Line) 33crw Stone 1915 - 1998
303 Locke Sian Margaret 1crw Stone 1979
304 Lockey John G. 15a   1912 - 1976
305 Looms William 74b Headstone 1906
- Loxley Denis 50crw Stone 1927 - 2003
306 Lusted Eric George & Elsie 4c Kerbs 1961
307 Lyon Philip 31crw Stone 1951 - 1990

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Last Updated: 22 October 2004