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SHS Meeting Minutes 60



23 Carters Close Sherington, 25th July 2005

Present: Norman, Pearl, Mark and Kay.

Apologies: Sheila

The Previous meeting minutes were read and approved and there were no matters arising.

Chairman's Report:

Open Dav 1st Oct. Theme Farms - Norman had started the search for farms in and around Sherington, ready for the 1st October open day in the V.Hall. He has been to MK central library and looked up in Pigot's and Kelly's Directories. Kelly's are the more informative, giving info on farms and what farmers did at other times when they were not so busy on the farm e.g. Fred Field was a Maltster and a Church Warden and Thomas Umney was a Farmer and Map Maker. Norman told us that there was a lot of other information of interest in the directories, so he and Kay plan to return to the library to get further information. A copy of the information Norman has already compiled has been given to Philip so he can add or change any information as he feels necessary. As for the overall displays on the day it was agreed to put photo's of Farms as they are today on the display boards, with any information collected. A copy of the enclosure map (1796), giving info on land around Sherington at this time and other relevant info e.g. cow house building and other trade info relating to farmers. The event should be publicised at least 10 days before via posters and info to Mr Ellis for the Citizen. We could think about serving refreshments. Also Mark has been asked to set up the computer to run a series of photos from the Fete and especially the scarecrows.

Sherington Place: - Norman has acquired the available deeds from Jackie Gadsby (she used to live there). He has copied most of the papers. In 1784 it was called Radnor Villa. The information contained within some of the documents makes very interesting reading, naming lots of people whose homes were in close proximity. The committee thought it would be nice if these documents went to the present owners of Sherington Place and not sold on E bay.

Scarecrow competition: - Betty Feasy was presented with the mounted “Rams Horn” at the leavers assembly on the last day of term at Sherington School (21" July 05). Philip was on hand to make a short speech about how wonderful it had been to get so many scarecrow entries and he caught Betty unawares with the presentation (GOB SMACKED was the expression she used)

Bowls Club Photos: - Eileen West has loaned Norman photos and a diary of events from the first 10 years of the clubs history.

Photocopier : - Norman stated that it might be worth enquiring around for a photocopier that is a little bit more up to date. The contrast control is not functioning too well and recently copying documents it is not as clear as it should be, especially for reducing larger documents. We might consider an advert in Scan for September.

SCAN article for September: - It was decided to include an article on the Cheyne Memorial and Dr John Cheyne’s life.

Secretary's Report:

Nothing to report from Sheila or Kay

Treasurers Report

Pearl and Kay signed the form for new signatories with Nationwide, Norman and Mark witnessed this. Pearl settled Norman's outstanding expenses. The form was to be signed also by Sheila Quinn as the third signitory.

Web site update: - Ian Collinge has passed on the info that in May we had 11,600 hits and in June we had 12,799 hits on the Web site, this puts us in second place again.

E mails

1. We had an inquiry for information about a Drydon Smith. He was a well known solicitor who was involved in the Hicksons property and Knoll close.
2. An E-mail enqiry has requested information about copies of the murder booklet, a set of notelets and the Sherington Hundred (Parish Council info written up by Barry Hollis). It was decided to make a charge for this photocopying.

September Meetings: The stagger around Sherington was postponed as the July meeting. It will now take place on the 13th September, starting at 7.30pm from the V.H.

Next committee meeting at Pearl's Place 5th September 7.30pm..

AOB - It was decided to invite North Crawley Historical Society to a meeting some time in the future. At present they do not meet on a regular basis.

Mark will endeavour to look on the Argos web site to see what the best deals are on a small recorder, up to the value of £80.

The meeting closed at 9.50pm. Thanks to Pearl for her hospitality.

KT and NA


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