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St Laud's Church Tour - Inside

St Laud's Church
Inside Tour
Select a number on the plan
Key to the colour scheme and numbers1 - Start the tour - Entrance2 - Porch3 - South Aisle4 - War Memorials5 - Font6 - West Window and Nave7 - North Aisle8 - Dais pulpit and Screens9 - Choir Stalls10 - Organ11 - East Window and High Altar12 - Vestry13 - Sedilia and Squint Window14 - South Aisle15 - Exit Church plan
Outside Tour

Click here to go to 2 - Porch

3 - The South Aisle

Click here to go to 4 - War Memorials

From the Porch you have entered into the South Aisle of the Church. This part of the Church was built in the 14th century.

The photo shows the view to your right as you enter. Our tour proceeds in a clockwise direction around the church, so we will visit this end of the South Aisle towards the end of the tour. Therefore we now turn left.

To the west of the main entrance is a small door which leads to the stairs into Parvise.

Hanging on the wall between the two doors is a list of the 47 Rectors dating back to Thomas De Schyreford, who became Rector in this parish back in 1230. A transcription of this list is available in the Records section of the website.

The window at the western end of the south wall is in memory of Professor A.C.Chibnall, of Cambridge University, and was restored by his widow in 1988. His family ancestry in these parts can be traced back for centuries, and he wrote two historical studies of the area and its villages. Like the other windows in this part of the church, which all have modern tracery and glass, it is in a fourteenth century opening. The window itself is in the Early English Style, which is 13th century.

Its three uncusped lights below three circles, the 19th century cusps topped with a two centred head, and the clear glass give the window a very uncluttered look. The dedication to Professor Chibnall is incorporated in the glass.

Wooden Chest Wooden Chest

There are two well-used wooden chests here. One bears the inscription: "To the memory of Giffard Gerald Brereton Edgelow, died 4th December 1949 aged 40 years".

On the west wall are the War Memorials, described on the next page.

Click here to go to 2 - Porch


Click here to go to 4 - War Memorials

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Latest Revision: 29 December 2006