On the first Monday and third Tuesday of the month members and paying visitors meet at a local venue - currently The Middleton Centre, Silver Street, Newport Pagnell - where local and visiting speakers give talks, sometimes illustrated with slides, photographs or memorabilia.

As well as learning about history we contribute to giving guided tours of the town for ourselves and for other groups during the town's Festival and Carnival. We also encourage visits from local schools and youth groups.

The Society takes an active interest in all local planning applications and makes representation if we feel they would have a detrimental effect on the character of the area. We were also involved in the recent updating of locally Listed Buildings.

As well as our museum we have a programme of talks and other activities. The current year's programme includes guided tours, talks and members' participation evenings where all sorts of members interests are covered.

General contacts can be made via the button at the bottom of each page.

Tuesday January 16th 78 rpm Records and Gramophones -
Monday February 5th A History of Alderton Castle John Kliene
Tuesday February 20th People, Buildings and Machines Geoffrey Starmer
Monday March 5th Slides - Salmons & Tickfords Ray Bailey
Tuesday March 20th AGM - Salmon & Sons the Tickford Coachbuilders Denis Mynard
Monday April 2nd History of Newport Pagnell Fire Service Malcolm Chalk
Tuesday April 17th History of the Amish Community Cheryl Huff-Slusser
Tuesday May 15th A Small Town in Northamptonshire Roger Drage
Monday June 4th A walk round North Crawley led by Peter Jeffrey -
Tuesday June 19th A walk round Woburn led by Ann Lever -
Monday July 2nd A walk round Newport Pagnell led by Don Hurst -
Tuesday July 17th TBA -
Monday September 3rd Newport Pagnell Parchment Works Tova Irving
Tuesday September 18th The Rev. Hon. W.S.T. Wykeham Fiennes Geoff Dawe
Monday October 1st Fifty Finest Churches in Buckinghamshire Julian Hunt
Tuesday October 16th Money in the Past Derek Smeathers
Monday November 5th Slides - Electra Cinema and Railway Yard Roy Bailey
Tuesday November 20th My Little Evacuee Gordon Abbotts