Albert's grave lies in the Hyde Park Corner (Royal Berks) Cemetery, near Ploegsteert , Belgium
On his gravestone rests a hand-written tribute which is regularly renewed by Alan Colley who heard his story and has 'adopted' him.
In the cafe next door to the Cemetery they sell postcards of the graveyards and from the thousands of graves that are there, they have chosen to show Albert's gravestone on one of the postcards.
Friends, staff and directors of the Living Archive made a visit to see Albert's grave in November 1997. Jeremy Cooper, who had worked in Belgium as a battlefields guide, was their guide.
Alan Colley's hand-written tribute which rests on Albert's grave
In June 1999, Sue Quinn of the Living Archive attended a ceremony for the inaugural playing of the last post at the Hyde Park cemetary . It is now played there on the last Friday of every month. Click here to see photographs of the ceremony.
In fact, Albert's story has forged a lasting bond between our two countries with the proposed twinning of Wolverton and Ploegsteert .