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Albert Enlists
In the late summer of 1915 Albert enlisted in the army, not in his home town but at the Recruiting Offices of the King's Royal Rifle Regiment at St. Pancras Middlesex. Albert chose this regiment because the Wolverton Church Lads' Brigade, of which he had been a member in Wolverton, had close links with the King's Royal Rifles - indeed the 16th Battalion was nicknamed 'The Churchman's Battalion' (It was originally made up of CLB and ex-CLB members).

Brother George remembered him as "tall and dark-haired looking older than he really was. He was a chap that had to shave pretty quick, so when he went to join the army of course there was no questions about his age, he said he was 18 and that was it".

He was just 16 years old.

Albert in uniform
Click to hear brother George