The Wolverton Express May 8th 1901


The Sanitary Committee Rural District Council

The following letter was read:

“Newport Pagnell; May 1st 1901. To the Chairman and Members of the Rural District Council. Gentlemen,- Since my last report two case of infectious diseases have been reported to me, Mrs. Robinson, of Castlethorpe, was notified as suffering from puerperal fever, and John Holmes of Wavendon Cross End, as suffering from diphtheria. Both cases have been visited, and the usual precautions are being taken. At the request of the Council I visited Daisy Mills, of Spinney-road, Castlethorpe, and found that the child had been allowed to go into the public streets, although “Peeling” after scarlet fever; thereby becoming a menace to the public health. On questioning the mother, I was informed that she had obtained permission of the doctor, Dr. Easte, before exposing the child. I wrote to Dr. Easte on the 22nd ultimo, but have received no reply. Under the circumstances I should advise the Council not to prosecute. The child has again been isolated, and instructions have been given to the mother. Your obedient servant, Roland H. Allport.

Puerperal fever: Fever occurring following childbirth.