Diamond Wedding Celebrations of Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Compton

The Wolverton Express November 5th 1910


In connection with the celebration of the diamond wedding of Mr. and Mrs. Compton, at Castlethorpe, there was a well attended thanksgiving service in the Church, at which the Vicar preached, followed by a most successful gathering in the Council Schools. The room was crowded. The Rev. J.H. Harkness took the chair, and after several songs had been given, the Rev. B. Corder, Vicar of Radcliffe, and a former curate, made a short speech of congratulation. The event was unique, at any rate as far as that parish was concerned. He always found Mr. and Mrs. Compton and their family most helpful. The Vicar read two letters, as follows:-

Buckingham Palace.

“The Private Secretary is commanded by the King to acknowledge the receipt of Miss Sarah Compton’s letter of the 22nd inst., and in reply to say that His Majesty is always pleased to hear of the diamond wedding anniversaries of his subjects, but that owing to the many instances it is not possible to send messages to individual cases.

24th October. 1910”

Daws Hill

High Wycombe

Dear Mr. Compton.
Lady Carrington and I send you and Mrs. Compton our warmest congratulations, and we hope you both may have many years of health and happiness together. Our families have been connected for 53 years already, and I sincerely hope that it may long continue, and may be preserved by our respective children. It is a great happiness to me to think that there are very few changes in the Carrington estate, and I feel very grateful to all my tenants who stood by me in the bad times. I hope you will allow me to enclose a small contribution towards the festivities," which I am glad to hear are being held in the honour of you both, and in recognition of the estimation in which you are held by your many friends and neighbours.
Yours sincerely,
October 23rd, 1910

Accompanying the letter was a cheque for £5.

The Vicar, continuing, quoted Burns’ song of “John Anderson, my Joe, John,” and said that it seemed most appropriate to the singularly long and happy lives of their two old friends. He had been trying to draw a picture in his mind of Mr. and Mrs. Compton and he was of opinion that the leading features of their characters were their industry, cheerfulness, and unity, all based on a foundation of genuine religion. He then, in the name of the subscribers, asked Mr. Compton to accept an eiderdown quilt, two pairs of slippers, an illuminated address, and a purse of money. Among the very large attendance were. Mr. Compton senr., Mr. D. Compton, Miss Compton, Messrs. J. and W. Compton, Mrs. Blake, Mr. A. Blake, the Misses Blake, Mr. and Miss Osborne, the Rev. W. Harkness, and Mrs. Harkness, the Rev. B. and Mrs. Corder, Mr. and Mrs. C. Whiting, Mr. and Mrs. Wynn, Mr and Mrs. H. Middleton, Mrs. H. M. Williams (Wolverton), Misses Gregory, Misses Beesley, Mr. F. Amos, Mr. Masterman, etc.

The Bucks Standard November 5th 1910

DIAMOND WEDDING CELEBRATIONS. On Friday evening, October 28, being the opening day of the Dedication Festival, a very interesting gathering was held in the Castlethorpe Council School, which was filled, on the occasion of the diamond wedding of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Compton. The meeting was preceded by a service in the Church, which was well attended. During the entertainment, and after a few words from the Rev. B. J. Corder, Rector of Radnage (a former curate), and the Vicar, in which reference was made to the praiseworthy way in which Mr. and Mrs. Compton had discharged their various duties, both public and private, during this long period. A presentation was then made, consisting of a purse of money, an illuminated address, an eiderdown quilt, &c. Mr. Compton replied in a few appropriate words, thanking the donors for their kindness and appreciation. A noteworthy incident of the proceedings was the reading of letters received by Mr. Compton from the King’s Secretary and Earl Carrington, in which the latter expressed his appreciation of Mr. Compton’s work and the kindly feeling which had existed between the two families for so many years. It must be mentioned that Mr. Compton has filled the office of Parish Clerk of Castlethorpe for 57 years, and his life and that of his wife has been such as to gain the respect and esteem of all who knew them.