The Parish Church of St. Simon & St. Jude Castlethorpe
Swannell brothers, 21st July 1919 Reproduction for the purpose of financial gain is prohibited. Redistribution of this material to a genealogical listing/service which resells or charges for access is also prohibited. This material is public domain, unless specified otherwise in the sources, and cannot, by international copyright law ("Intellectual Rights") be copyrighted by a third party. No claim is made regarding the accuracy of these records; the original sources are not free from error. 19/5/2006 Markham children in 1926
Records 1562 - 1812
Marriages 1754 - 1812
Memorial Inscriptions
Records 1562 - 1601 Baptisms 1813-1890 No.1 - 288 Marriages Index 1754-1812 Churchyard & Church Interior
Records 1602 - 1625 Baptisms 1813-1890 No.289 - 586 Marriages 1754-1812 No. 1 - 34
Other Church Data
Records 1626 - 1647 Baptisms 1813-1890 No.587 - 768 Marriages 1754-1812 No. 35 - 68 Church Views
Records 1648 - 1669 Baptisms 1890-2004 No.1 - 306 Marriages 1754-1812 No. 69 - 102 Churchyard Plan
Records 1670 - 1700 Baptisms 1890-2004 No.307 - 616 Marriages 1754-1812 No. 103 - 136 Church interior c.1891
Records 1701 - 1717
Marriages 1754-1812 No. 137 - 171 Parish Clergy
Records 1718 - 1733 Burials 1813-1913 No. 1 - 199
Marriages 1813 - 1837
Records 1734 - 1747 Burials 1813-1913 No. 200 - 399 Marriages Index 1813-1837 A Local Controversy - Pew
Records 1748 - 1763 Burials 1813-1913 No.400 - 599 Marriages 1813-1837 No. 1 - 35 Charities 1782
Records 1764 - 1780 Marriages 1813-1837 No. 36 - 72 Newspaper Articles
Records 1781 - 1798 Burials 1913-2005 No. 1- 327
Marriages 1837 - 1920
Sunday School pupils c.1930
Records 1799 - 1812 Burials 1913-2005 No. 327- 655 Sunday School 1965
Bishop's Transcripts
Marriages Index 1837-1920 I - Y Flower Festival 2005
B.T. 1600 - 1633 Banns Book 1824-1870 Marriage Book 1813-1920 N0. 1 -39 Church Kneelers
B.T. 1634 -1684 Banns Book 1874-1920 Marriage Book 1813-1920 No. 40 - 79 Church Choirs
B.T. 1686 - 1713

Marriage Book 1813-1920 No. 80 - 119
B.T. 1714 - 1731
Marriage Book 1813-1920 No. 120 - 159
B.T. 1732 - 1746
Marriage Book 1813-1920 No. 160 - 199
B.T. 1747 -1762
Marriage Book 1813-1920 No. 200 - 242
B.T. 1763 - 1777

B.T. 1778 - 1793

B.T. 1794 - 1812