Tour of St. Simon & St. Jude Church


Church tower
From the outside it is noticeable that the tower is of three stages with a straight parapet and anglepinnacles. It is constructed in ashlar [a squared stone used in building], while the rest of the Church is of rubble construction with stone dressings. The reason for this difference is that a previous tower, the date of which is unknown, fell down on Monday, 22 December 1729, “ the rain having been suffered to destroy the timbers of the roof”. It was replaced by the present one later in the 18th century. It is said that when the rebuilding reached its present height, the fund of money ran out, and the work was completed. Thus the tower is now 31 feet [9.5m] lower than its predecessor: 40 feet [12.2m] as against 71 feet [21.7m] previously.
Stone head above the window

In the west wall of the tower is a plain, round-headed doorway with a round-headed window above and at the top of the window is a stone carving of a man's head.

Church door

View of SS Simon & Jude

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